Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is a major issue that will only get worse if something does not change. Our teen, teachers and family need ways to connect, communicate, and gain information about what to do to help stop this issue. I have two different websites that I reviewed and I would like to share with you today.    
- Lets kids connect through Facebook
- Gives kids amnesty by creating a character to speak up and tell their story
- Students can see other students post so they don’t feel like they are the only ones going through things    
This site is very information and gives a lot of good information and tips to teacher, parents and teens.  

The first site, I believe, is more attractive towards teens and preteens because it is visually appealing and set up in a fun way. But the second site has a lot of good information and help for everyone. So, it's a tie!

Ex-Playboy Spanish Teacher

A Spanish high school teacher is now being scrutinized by the public for her not having a good girl past. I was watching G.M.A (Good Morning America) this morning when this news story came up, a playboy shoot staring a college girl who wanted to be a Spanish teacher. I research the story more to try and find out any more information.

The teacher under scrutiny, Cristy Nicole DeWeese, secret got out when some of the students at the Dallas high school “googled” her name and playboy advisements, pictures and videos popped up in the results box. And like scandal always does, this news about the teachers past employment spread like wildfire. DeWeese said she has been modeling since she was seventeen years old. She started modeling for playboy to pay off college bills when she was eighteen. DeWeese also states that she stopped modeling for playboy over a year before she started teaching.

Her students’ response to the news was shock but they say she is a good teacher and does not act risqué at all. Some parents are not happy with her teaching and fear she will cause a distraction. Everyone wants to know what will happen next. Will she lose her job? Or keep teaching?

I believe that as long as she is doing a good job and people can look past the modeling of her past then she should keep teaching, if nothing else, her students can use her as a reminder that everything that involves the internet lives forever. But, as we talked about in class (the thee I’s and an O) she might get fired for immorality and disruption of education. If she does get fired I bet it will be difficult for her to get a new job because now everyone in America has heard about her college modeling. I will be very interested to find out what her school district decides about her job.